Adding and removing Group Teams to another Initiative


When you need to quickly add many people to a Team, rather than one-by-one, you can use an existing pam Group.

For example:

Say you have a Group called ‘North Division’. You want all the Team members to also be Team members of your Project ‘PVP North’. You can dynamically add the ‘General North Division’ Team members into your ‘PVP North’ by adding the group the team.

You can also remove the whole Group Team from your ‘PVP North’ Project when you don’t need them on the Team any more.


Adding a Group’s Team to an Initiative

  1. Find the Initiative you want to add your Group Team to.

    Initiatives you can add a Group Team to:

    • Project
    • Cluster
    • Track
    • Account
    • Tool

    Note: You can’t add a Group Team to another Group.

  2. Click ‘Team’ in the top right of the page.
  3. Search for the name of the Group and select it.

You’ll now see that the Group’s Team has been added to the Initiative.

This permission is ‘one way’ which means:

  • Team members above can view and participate in these Initiatives.
  • But Team members of the Initiatives listed cannot view this Group by default.

Removing a Group’s Team from an Initiative

  1. Find the Initiative you want to remove the Group Team from.
  2. Click ‘Team’ in the top right of the page.
  3. You should see the Group listed alongside any other Team members. Click ‘Remove’.

The Team members of the Group will no longer have Team member permissions for that Initiative.

Find out which Initiatives a Group Team is included in

  1. Navigate to any Group.
  2. Click ‘Team’ in the top right of the page.
  3. If the Group’s Team is included in any other Initiatives, you’ll see a box titled ‘Other Initiatives this Team is included in’. Initiatives that the Group Team is included in will be listed there. If there isn’t a box with this title, the Group’s Team does not have access to any other Initiatives.

Need further help? Get in touch...

Message us via pam, email us at or call 01273 041 042.
  • Sam Peters
  • Roy Crombleholme
  • Stuart Johnson